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SpeleoBYTE /ˌspiːliːˈɑˈbaɪt/


  1. a unit of information adapted to thrive in the deep corners of the web.
  2. Bryan Carl Morales, Orlando, FL. based web developer and systems administrator.


I am a senior computer specialist / broadcast engineer at a radio station where I have many responsibilities. Some of my duties range from parsing streamer log files for soundexchange to installing redundant server clusters and securing them.

Bryan in his natural enviroment.

Bryan in his natural environment.

Whichever system goes down, whenever the network fails, I’m immediately on the case, like it never happened; Imagine a ninja solving technical difficulties!

There are hundreds of pieces of computer equipment that I monitor. From audio production workstations to digital audio routers and their accompanying network services. The aforementioned network services form an important part of the station’s automation system. It is part of my job to monitor them and adjust them as necessary.

I also provide technical support in video conferencing activities, online video courses and multimedia classrooms for the nation’s second largest university.

I’ve shown interest in technology since early in my childhood. As a toddler I played with batteries, small motors, light-bulbs and dismantled my dad’s electronics. Shortly thereafter I outgrew a 500 in one electronics kit from Radio Shack.

Before I started college I had already built custom active guitar circuits, created websites, designed flyers and even mastered an album. Growing up with a passion for technology molded me in to a fast-paced, self-learning, forward thinker.

I studied Computer Engineering for four years in Puerto Rico. I was also able to participate in a NASA sponsored internship where I remodeled a planetarium’s presentation technology. I worked as an instructional design teacher’s assistant and as a webmaster. This was before I transferred to the Digital Media undergraduate program at the University of Central Florida where I currently attend school and work.

When I’m not busy tinkering on a computer you will see me enjoying a nice time outdoors with my family or listening to music.


You can contact me for any questions regarding my experience, to request some help or just to say hi.