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“Granular Password Settings” or “Fine-Grained Password Policy“, is based on the introduction of two new object classes in the AD schema: the “Password Settings Container” and “Password Setting” objects. These objects basically provide us the option to introduce multiple password policies into a single AD domain.

via Configuring Granular Password Settings in Windows Server 2008, Part 1.

Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}

Change the value of LocalizedString to:


(or whatever you’d like it to read)

(default value is: @%SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll,-9216)

via Rename the My Computer Icon Label with Useful Info | Symantec Connect Community.

Inclusive Group Drive mappings solve this problem by allowing a configuration that maps a specific drive letter to a specific network share based on the user being a member of a particular group.

via Using Group Policy Preferences to Map Drives Based on Group Membership – Ask the Directory Services Team – Site Home – TechNet Blogs.

To shut down \\MyServer in 60 seconds, force running applications to close, restart the computer after shutdown, indicate a user code, indicate that the shutdown is planned, log major reason code 125, and log minor reason code 1, type:

shutdown -r -f -m \\MyServer -t 60 -d up:125:1

Microsoft Windows XP – Shutdown.

Open Outlook and Right-Click on any folder in your Inbox and select “Properties” from the menu.

Click the “AutoArchive Tab”.

Change your selection to “Archive items in this folder using the default settings” and then click the button for “Default Archive Settings”. See Figure 1.

Configure Outlook’s default settings and file location based on your preference. See Figure 2. When done, click the “OK” button in the AutoArchive window.

Click CANCEL on the original window, so that these settings are not applied to any or all of your outlook inbox folders. Now you can either configure thesettings on the proper folders, or run a one time archive from the file menu, and be certain that the archived mail will go to the correct location

via Configuring Outlook Archives & Auto-Archive the correct way | The Day to Day Findings of an IT Engineer.

For this, you need to edit the file ‘meta-boxes.php’ located in wp-admin/includes/ folder.

Open that file in NotePad and find the following code:

$visibility = ‘public’;

$visibility_trans = __(‘Public’);

Now, all you need to do is change it do the following:

$visibility = ‘private’;

$visibility_trans = __(‘Private’);


via WordPress › Support » How to set new posts visibility to private by default ?.

ico files can contain multiple images at the same time. So you can for example put a 16×16, a 24×24, and a 32×32 image inside a single ico file. This way IE can use the image with the most appropriate size. So it will use 16×16 inside the addressbar, the 32×32 for the taskbar (pin), and the 24×24 for next to the back button. If you want them to look better on hi-dpi screens you could use 64×64 instead of 32×32, and 48×48 in stead of 24×24.

You could even use different kinds of images instead of the same image in differently scales; so e.g. just the logo on the 16×16 and 24×24, but the logo and brandname on the 32×32.

One tool for creating such icons is the commandline application png2ico, or icoFx if you like a GUI.

via internet explorer 9 – Where does IE9 look for the new large favicons? – Stack Overflow.